Author Topic: Best Electronic ignition?  (Read 18044 times)

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Offline rotortiller

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Re: Best Electronic ignition?
« Reply #75 on: November 06, 2017, 12:05:16 PM »
Charge one up and throw it at ur buddy while he's in the shower! LOL

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Re: Best Electronic ignition?
« Reply #76 on: November 06, 2017, 07:29:27 PM »
Which reminds me... I still don't know why condensers have a shelf life.

It's because the 400v high-temperature automotive types use a waxed-paper dielectric material, which decays at the rate of normal Kraft-type paper. When the dielectric dies out from non-heating use (they are not sealed units), the paper becomes more vulnerable to punch-thru from high-voltage kickback form the coils (about 400v). The dielectric paper-wax combination has a very predictable lifetime of about 6 years, after which the voltage rating must be dropped about 25 volts per year thereafter, until they are put to use: that that point, they do not lose voltage rating so long as they are operated above 180 degrees (F) for at least 24 hour per year. This action restores the flexibility of the waxy dielectric by re-saturating the paper: in effect, it "heals" the condensor somewhat if you use them once in a while. This was a design first pioneered by Henry Ford's engineers in the early 1900s (reference-  "Ford: the first 100 years").

So, if you use OEM ones from 1968 on a Hondaman Ignition, they still work... ;)
So these will work fine?

I'd sure stick those in mine!
See for info about the gadgets I make for these bikes.

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Link to Hondaman Ignition:

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Offline HondaMan

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Re: Best Electronic ignition?
« Reply #77 on: November 06, 2017, 07:41:55 PM »
Surprisingly, someone was interested enough to find actual evidence.

Good find, Roto: the big difference between "condensors" and "capacitors" is specifically this: "condensors" are devices intended to capture, store, and very quickly dissipate energy, while "capacitors" are devices intended to store energy for re-use, or to pass the effects of electrons moving across two plates while not passing their potential through the barrier. While this might seem an odd distinction, these components are very different until the TYPE of insulation material changes. Condensors are intended to suffer through certain amounts of damage and continue to operate, even if in a reduced capacity, while capacitors die the first time a hole gets punched through them, often with a bang, heat, and/or melted parts. If you take a certain type of plastic (known as mylar) and bind it to a (very) thin sheet of aluminum, you then get a CAPACITOR with CONDENSOR-like reactive (i.e., very low resistance) characteristics. This latter one makes for good spike-capture-and-release devices like condensors, but in more waterproof and longer shelf-life (unused) versions. They also work very well in electronic ignitions... ;)
See for info about the gadgets I make for these bikes.

The demons are repulsed when a man does good. Use that.
Blood is thicker than water, but motor oil is thicker, don't mess with my SOHC4, or I might have to hurt you.
Hondaman's creed: "Bikers are family. Treat them accordingly."

Link to Hondaman Ignition:

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Offline rotortiller

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Re: Best Electronic ignition?
« Reply #78 on: November 07, 2017, 01:57:31 AM »

Offline strynboen

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Re: Best Electronic ignition?
« Reply #79 on: November 07, 2017, 03:11:14 AM »
at my job( ..elektro engine repaeir),,ve used to power some kondensators up..before the status.(.part of the tax paing prosudure)all the stuff in the shop must be caunted and registeres.

.alvaus fun vhen the poor man came to the powered up konds..and got 220 volt throigh hid fingers..only to the day 3 month after..and i got a elektrochok..those damed Things hold fine up for month..after that i short them up before toutch the terminals
i kan not speak english/but trying!!
i hate all this v-w.... vords

Offline PeWe

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Re: Best Electronic ignition?
« Reply #80 on: November 07, 2017, 03:47:30 AM »
A diode on one of the legs will ensure max load too when charging them in the power outlet of 220-230VAC ;) We did that sometimes for many years ago at my job.
We had the components on shelf. I think it was RIFA ??uF/400V for PCB mount.
CB750 K6-76  970cc (Earlier 1005cc JMR Billet block on the shelf waiting for a comeback)
CB750 K2-75 Parts assembled to a stock K2

Updates of the CB750 K6 -1976,180468.msg2092136.html#msg2092136
The billet block build thread,49438.msg1863571.html#msg1863571
CB750 K2 -1975  build thread,168243.msg1948381.html#msg1948381
K2 engine build thread. For a complete CB750 -75,180088.msg2088008.html#msg2088008
Carb jetting, a long story Mikuni TMR32,179479.msg2104967.html#msg2104967

Offline Deltarider

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Re: Best Electronic ignition?
« Reply #81 on: November 07, 2017, 06:38:01 AM »

Sounds like something inside the HM ignition LOL.
Rotortiller, great find! "I would not take a second shock for the kingdom of France". Hilarious. :D
« Last Edit: November 07, 2017, 06:40:09 AM by Deltarider »
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