I might have to disagree. If you tighten the four 6mm screws first they will be loose when you tighten down the head nuts. I believe you should tighten the head nuts first and then the 6mm screws. Reverse when removing otherwise the 6mm will be real tight. Also I would fix it as long as it's apart and not in the frame. If you put every screw in and tighten them properly you still might have an oil leak but leaving one loose on purpose will reduce the odds even more. My 2 cents.
I agree. I have suggetsed the same protocol as you, here several times. Except this first step: You use the 6mm to draw down, the head aligns itself, it doesn't bind on the dowels, and gives the gasket its initial squeeze.
but not very tight. Then the head nuts, then the 6mm one more time. But at that point they don't do anything. But if you don't tighten them to a nominal 6lbs or so they will back out.
If you draw the head down with the head nuts first, no harm. But by then the 6mm ers are really worthless.
The reverse is true as you stated. Many has been the head where the owner has removed the head nuts first. The relaxing of the head tightens the 6mm ers to the point where they break off when trying to remove. Or round the head, or such.
Our only real disagreement may be what the op should do about it.. I wouldn't waste the breath or head gasket on fixing it on an engine that is otherwise done.
My experience here is from the dragrace shop where I worked. The owner threw those screws away as they just slow you down, when thrashing on an overnight rebuild. I don't think there is any threat from an oil leak on these 4, but... its not my bike.