So I have spend the last few weekends trying to get the carbs sorted and the bike running right... in summary this was my process:
1) Swapped all brass in the carbs back to the original Keihin items and set everything back to stock. Needle 4th Clip, Air screws 1 + 1/8th turns, floats 22.5mm (3mm from gasket seam)
RESULT: Way too rich, only able to do about 10kms before plugs fouled
2) On advice from an old bike mechanic fella I know (who used to assemble these bikes in the 70's) I swapped old needle and needle jet for new ones. I already had aftermarket so I installed these. His logic was that modern unleaded fuel causes the needles to wear faster and the jet orafces to oval out after about 20,000 kms causing more fuel to enter carbs.
RESULT: Started better and idles better but still way too rich. Plugs still fouling.
3) Moved the needle up a notch to the middle slot and turned out the airscrew out to 2 turns
RESULT: Bingo! (I think)
Done a couple of 30km runs and she ran really good, no deterioration in running quality by the end. Checked the pugs after and they are a little dark but no soot deposits.