Got my cam towers from edwardmorris... friday night is when they go in!
I had some 0.030" shims cut for my pucks, since I was only getting 0.010" compression based on the depth of the recess, and thickness of aftermarket pucks.
with the crop of too-thin head seals we keep seeing, here is a way you can check the ones you got in your gasket kit (or elsewhere, like PartsNmore or CB750Supply, etc.).
First, check the step depth of the head hole. Then, check the thickness of your seal. You need at LEAST .030" compression, .040" is better. The too-thin ones are only about .005" thicker, which won't seal when the head heats up and the hole becomes deeper.
SO... when I put Permatex No. 2 around my pucks... Should I:
A) permatex, shim, puck, then wipe up excess?
B ) shim, permatex, puck, wipe excess?
C) shim, puck, permatex, wipe?
BrandEn's thread suggests put it in the recesses first, but HondaMan's book it looks like it is being wiped around the pucks once they are in.