Where can I find a manual for my SOHC4?Where can I find a manual?Try
www.honda4fun.com for a downloadable manual. eBay often has manuals for auction. Factory manuals are most detailed but often very technical, “easier” manuals include Clymer and Haynes but be aware that these manuals are sometimes incorrect, so cross-reference between at least two manuals is recommended. Also, try your online library system.
There are loads of parts books, manuals etc here:
www.hondapeople.com/manuals/manuals.htm 350, 500 and 750 maintenanceChiltons maintenance manual for SOHC´s. It covers 350, 500 and 750s, things like valves, camchain, ignition, carbs, clutch, oil, suspension etc. This link will be moved to the FAQ for future reference:
www.mctangen.dk/SOHCmanual.pdf500, 550, K-K3, F-F2This is from tintin's briefcase, the complete, 80Mb 1977 service manual for the 500, 550, K-K3, F-F2, including details comparing 500 and 550 and supplements for the newer K's and F's.
www.mctangen.dk/CB500-550_Manual.pdfCB750 K0-K7 & K8-F3 Manuals on PDFwww.bheld.org/honda750 K8 / F3More from tintin: