Does your K footpeg fold up? If not, you'll need an F footpeg. And most likely the F brake pedal.
It does, but it folds up into the F kicker. It looks like the F brake and peg mounting points have larger differences than I had realized.
From Flatlander's pictures, the F models foot peg attaches just under the swing arm pivot, where my K attaches directly under the kicker, via the rear lower engine mount.
Also, it looks like the brake pivot "tube" extends away from the frame more on the F and the K, which would help the brake clear the header, but I can't determine for sure from the pictures. Flatlander, maybe if you get a chance, could you measure that tube that extends out from the frame?
The solution of just swapping out parts is not looking good... I may have to spring for rearsets
. Then I have the dilemma on where to mount, as I think the passenger peg locations may be too far rearward...
Thanks Flatlander and Stev-o for the help!