What a spectacular topic!

I know a bunch of these people: stunters. The good ones have specially prepared 600s that could hardly reach 80 mph. It's really quite amazing. But why would these people risk life and limb just to be sitting on the top of their bars, hearing the scrape of their rear fender?
Pushing yourself, feeling the rush, pulling out of the pack... It's only human!
Many of the extremely knowledgeable people on this site do it every day, but in different forms.
Why would you mod a CB when you can get so much more performance while spending less money with a new bike?
It's different. You love it. You want to see how far you can take that engine or suspension. It's natural.
I've been there, I am there, I will always be there - But I understand there are potential consequences for my actions. I once was set on standing on my seat with no hands. I achieved it in a parking lot, but only for 5 seconds. Then, the bike abruptly slowed down and crashed... Wrecking both turn signals, splinering the custom saddlebags, and denting the tank of my UNCLE's bike. The cops came, they asked me about all of the BURNOUT marks in the parking lot, none of which i was responsible for, but it was alll possible. It just so happened that my motorcycle permit ran out THAT day and the bike wasn't inspected. The cop acted like I was SOL and my legal record was changed forever... But then he said if I can ride away, I'm off. I rode away, biting the chinstrap to console the barely-operable wrist.
I do burnouts occaisionaly and in my gallery you can see that I've stood on the seat (with hands, much safer

Just know the potential risks of what your doing. It is fun, but it could change your life in an instant.