Where do you guys mount your cams on the bike? I'm debating the best place for it since I personally hate wearing a camera, but locating a place on the bike where the engine doesn't overload the camera audio is tough.
Currently I have the camera mounted to the front indicator stalk, it's a perfect place really - nice and horizontal, out in front so there's nothing to obscure the view. The only catch, and it's a big one, is that due to the position - the engine overloads my audio, so the sound of the bike is really awful on playback.
The handlebars is the most obvious place of course, I tend to avoid this location because I don't like having obstructions in front of the gauges but it's an option of course.
I was wondering if anyone has tried mounting to the frame, say by the battery box or similar location?
Just for grins, we're talking a Contour camera but I don't see why a GoPro wouldn't also apply here.