I cleaned out my tank rust the other day using 'The Works' method. After neutralizing the acid wash, rinsing with water, then removing the water with denatured alcohol and compressed air, then fogging with wd40 and rinsing with gas.... I filled the tank to the neck with non-ethanol 91 octane and a shot of seafoam and proceeded to ride about 50 miles. I topped off the tank with gas when I returned. The next day I rode about 15 miles. When I returned to my garage, I added about an ounce or a bit more of MMO to my tank and topped off with gas. Tank interior was still a nice shiny steel.
The next day I looked inside my tank and it seems to have developed an slight orangish color on the steel that has been covered by gasoline the entire time. Like I said, I have topped the tank off immediately after each ride, so there has been very minimal oxygen inside the tank. I have never used MMO in my gas, but have seen recommendations on it, so I thought I would try it.
Somebody please tell me this orangish tint is due to the shot of MMO that I added!!?? Another thought was that maybe I didn't get the tank neutralized enough with the baking soda/water mix and it is still reacting?
Thoughts anyone? Thanks in advance!