« Reply #12 on: April 22, 2015, 06:50:38 AM »
No worries... this engine I am rebuilding hadd some really ugly worn bearings that could very vell indicate an oil flow issue.. thats why I had this part thoroughly cleaned.
as for the Norton/Thriumph issue .. does this apply for BSA's aswell.. they have started to gather som interest on my part.
Yes.. As for BSA's, watch the year and timing side bearings. Lots of issues on earlier ones and retrofits available to needles to solve oil pressure problems.

06 Harley Sporster 1200C, 06 Triumph Scrambler, 01 Ducati Chromo 900, 01 Honda XR650L, 94 Harley Heritage, 88 Honda Hawk GT, 84 Yamaha Virago 1000, 78 Honda 750K w/sidecar, 77 Moto Guzzi Lemans 850, 76 Honda CB750K, 73 Norton 850, 73 Honda Z50, 70 & 65 Honda Trail 90, 70 & 71 Triumph 650s, 65 Honda 305 Dream, 81 Honda 70 Passport, 70 Suzuki T250II, 71 Yamaha 360 RT1B, 77 BMW R75/7, 75 Honda CB550K, 70 Honda CT70