Hey everyone! My name is Teddy and I'm currently in the process of starting up a small shop. This bike build and two other car builds are the catalyst for the shop.
The bike in question is a Honda cb650 of an unknown year. We haven't checked the serial numbers but after a quick google search it appears to be an early 80's. The bike is owned by my roommate but all the welding/fab will be done in house at Factory Fab.
The plan behind the build is to finish it before may 15th which for those that aren't into the vw/Audi/BMW scene is the weekend of one of the largest east coast car meets, Southern Wothersee. The bike and another car that we built will be premiering there. If the title hasn't already given it away the bike is getting a tdo4 from Wrx.
It's pretty overkill for a 650 but late spool times is what we're after and if it is way to big, we've got a vf11 (smaller OEM Subaru turbo) waiting to go on which uses the same exhaust housing flange. If you're interested in any of the other builds check out our instagram @factoryfabrication.