F3 officially does not exist, right? Just a way to distinguish year 1978 from 77 F2.
it is referenced in your link, but i dont know if it has any mechanical or design differences from the F2
"Pottering along at a steady 30 mph (33 indicated) the F3 returned a best figure of 80 mpg"
I see, thanks! Is 410 unique F3 head?
410's should be on all F2/3's
Im sure the more seasoned F'ers can answer more specifically, but the F's went from a flat top piston (stamped 392 on the piston and head) for '75/'76, to a domed piston and head (410) for the '77/'78 F2/3. (valve sizes changed for 77F/78F, too)
The 410 domed pistons wont work in a 392 head, as they'll contact the valves, but 392 pistons, with their flat tops, can be used in 410 heads. This lowers CR, which is easily increased back close to stock with a decking of the head.
I read somewhere on the forum the ring cutouts, and ring thicknesses on the 392 pistons are slightly different than the 410 pistons, which might make their use on the 410 pistons less than ideal...Ive tried, but i cant find the thread for reference.