Hello All,
I've been lurking on SOHC4 doing research for months. This is a great site, and I really appreciate all the useful information other members have put here over the years.
I'm new to motorcycles even though I've always liked them. However, I was not allowed to own a motorcycle for many years because my R.N. ex-wife was very against them on principle, and I had enough dangerous hobbies as it was (skateboarding, snowboarding). And even then, she once said, "If I let you buy a motorcycle will you shut up about them?" But then life intervened and a kid and then a divorce made motorcycle projects less of a priority.
But all that us in the past and the kiddo is old enough to be a helper, so I get to do what I've wanted to for a long time, and that is ride and work on motorcycles. And I'm fortunate to have a big group of friends who all ride and own bikes of all kinds to share the fun.
SOHC4 has helped me grow from a complete newbie without a clue to a complete newbie that can fake like he knows what he's talking about.
Seriously, I learned a lot of valuable things in these forums. The first bike I bought was a '79 CB750 in amazing shape for a great price, but as a DOHC and something almost too good to modify much, it wasn't quite what I wanted, which is something like many of your bikes here. I've recently bought my second bike, a '76 CB550K. And thanks to the info here I was able to pass up on a number of bikes that had issues and get a pretty good one that is rideable and in good shape, and even had some decent work done to it already. I've already had a great time riding it. And it still needs some more before it becomes what it can be.
(And if you've read this far, a buddy of mine has been happy to take the 750 and ride it as is, so I'll see it plenty.)