The root of the problem is that liberals suck and Conservatives suck less. I'll vote for the next person that is not a politician, that will run the country like a business to get rid of the national debt, make decisions based on what is best for the country(not their party), have a sense of how to deal with foreign affairs and reform welfare the irs etc.
People here want to make comments about this country having a police state while our current government(Obama, holder) attacks people before facts are released. Then they have the irs go after people because of their party affiliation/ religious beliefs. I would also like to know the benefit of open borders besides bringing more uneducated poor people here to get on welfare and then vote democrat. Meanwhilev these same LIBERALS that make our country less safe by exiting a still active war against a fanatical enemy only to allow them to regroup and be even more pissed off, will eventually attempt to vote in another dynasty(Clinton) who will sell our countries uranium to the RUSSIANS that will ultimately deal with Iran, both of whom would blow our country off the map with the right opportunity. If that sounds like a healthy proposition, let's get off the liberals and keep voting for career politicians that put themselves and their party first then lie to the American people because they can.
And you have the nerve to complain about being "attacked with broad sweeping statements". Do you understand irony?

I just can't take anything you say's hilarious really. Just one example to show how uniformed you are. You make a statement about "liberals exiting a still active war". Iraq I presume.
In 2008
George W. Bush signed the U.S.–Iraq Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA). It included a specific date, 30 June 2009, by which American forces should withdraw from Iraqi cities, and a complete withdrawal date from Iraqi territory by 31 December 2011. The last U.S. troops left Iraq on 18 December 2011, in accordance with this agreement.
President Obama announced his revision to the original date of withdrawal of combat troops from Iraq. The revision was to extend the original date of 30 June 2009 for an additional 10 months, to 31 August 2010. After which all but a "transitional force" of 35,000 to 50,000 troops would be withdrawn. President Obama reaffirmed the commitment to the original complete withdraw date of 31 December 2011.
Negotiations between the U.S. and Iraq for a new SOFA began in fall 2010. The biggest sticking point was legal immunity for U.S. troops. The U.S. asked Iraq to agree to the question of immunity but the Iraqis were unwilling to accept anything that infringed on their sovereignty. Without this immunity the U.S. was unwilling to leave combat troops stationed in Iraq that could be subject to the Iraqi legal system. American commanders in the field also worried about the Sadrist response should troops stay as some factions in the Iraq government wanted the U.S. troops out.
I could refute virtually everything in your silly post but it's not really all that're just a stranger on the internet hiding behind an avatar making claims and silly statements. I would suggest that you try and be a little better informed instead of just spouting bumper sticker slogans you get off wing nut radio or cable "news" programs.