You talk about cops gunning down unarmed civilians like these civilians are your mother and a total sweetheart that is doing nothing wrong. And also like it happens everyday. You don't know what goes on here and can't even begin to understand our use of force laws. Uses of force don't have to be reactionary, this is what people fail to understand.
How many of these shootings that you speak of resulted in a jury of YOUR peers finding the cops guilty. The reason for this is because when the facts come out and are explained logically through a grand jury hearing for example, regular citizens then understand why the officer responded the way they did and that usually results in a no bill.
Those FBI stats cover all homicides for a one year period. Just so you know, a officer involved shooting is a homicide so officer involved shootings would be included in those stats. Those stats are a good starting point anyways.
I don't assume much about you other than you know your #$%* about cb's and dick about law enforcement. It's funny to me the amount of people that will argue with me about crime, deadly force and gun laws.
If you were in New York I would offer you a ride along because I'm sure I could open your mind atleast to see both sides a little more clearly.
I've personally been involved in numerous situations where I could have taken a life and thankfully I have not had to. When you can say the same after having a gun pulled on you(walk a mile in my shoes), I'm sure your opinion could change slightly. I'll try to attach a picture of a tek 9 that was pulled on me while patrolling the west side of my city. Pretty scary when your a cop and your out gunned in your own city.
The majority of illegal gun I have recovered from gang members have been under the age of 16. Do you think any of the criminals I deal with care or know the gun laws... Nope, they're criminals

on top of that, I have never arrested a gun owner with a permit because they are generally responsible people and abide by the laws. Gun laws are kinda oxymoronic that way.