They price them that high knowing they are only worth maybe $500 and when someone offers them $650, they jump on it and the buyer thinks he's getting over on the seller. Win/Win for both, except the buyer who doesn't have a clue.
Because the seller has never seen a pair like this before must mean there isn't another pair on earth and they are worth much more than he's asking.
Slightly off topic, I didn't think my Kimtabs were worth that, but they do keep appreciating. There is only one Kimtab on Ebay right now at $695 starting bid. I 'm willing to bet he won't get any bids on it due to price and the big chip in it.
This one is like no other Kimtab I've seen before. It has bearings in the wheel itself. Mine has separate removable bearing carriers. It amazes me the price of wheels these days. When I bought my Kimtabs new I got 2 wheels, 3 rotors, sprocket, calipers, master cylinders, lines,etc. A complete 2 wheel triple disc set up for $415 in 1976.
Correct me if I'm wrong but Lester's aren't even magnesium are they?
Imago, the ones you have pictured are the same ones in the ebay listing. Are you seriously considering this set?