Hahah, well guys — I don't know. I've racked enough in machinists bills as is — the going rate there is $95 an hour. He said it took him two hours to pull out the two sheared studs. A bit steep, yeah? Ouch. At that rate, I should've just bought a welder. I'm moving in the next couple months, though, so didn't want the extra baggage. I spoke with another shop that's $60/hour, so I might try them next time around.
Anyhow though — thanks for the encouragement. I do feel like pulling the studs will make me happier, even though it might get me in hot water. I'll slam, blast, etc., them (carefully!) and hold ya'll responsible if I snap any more.

I did find a nice set of stud pullers, so that may help, but we'll see. I'll let you know how it goes. The one common thread in all these removals is banging the hell out of the stud, so I'll start with that.