Author Topic: Yes, a Gasket set question — OEM style or complete set available?  (Read 866 times)

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Offline SKTP

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So I am on my second rebuild now. The first try was a good learning experience and I feel much more confidant after having the motor start and run despite the leak (didn't seal cam tower pucks).

But what I have learned during this 2nd tear down is that paper gaskets work, but they stick like crazy (I used the copper gasket spray as well). I have hours of picking ahead of me to remove and prep the cases for the new gaskets.

I did have a couple OEM Honda gaskets and those peal right off, really nicely.

So the longwinded question is — are there any Gasket kits/sets made out of the OEM stuff or are there complete OEM Honda kits available?

Individually, they add up fast...thanks for any info/links

EDIT: I'm taking about the main case covers/gaskets and the JUG/Head one not all the other bits/rings etc...I have less than 400 miles on all those...the ones you destroy when splitting the cases
« Last Edit: May 07, 2015, 11:06:36 AM by SKTP »
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Offline MickB

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SKTP if you have a compressor use a Die Grinder with a Scotch Brite scourer bit, works like a champ.

Offline SKTP

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That's good info...I don't have a compressor, but I'm guessing straight up Scotch bright pads and elbow grease would be ok?

I do not want to ruin the mating surfaces
1978k rebuild thread
2003 Ducati M800ie
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2004 Honda CR-V
1966 Honda S90

Offline Grinnin

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are there any Gasket kits/sets made out of the OEM stuff or are there complete OEM Honda kits available?
Several retailers on the web say that Athena is the OEM manufacturer of gaskets for Honda, Yam, Duc, etc.

They don't say the gaskets they sell resemble OEM gaskets, only that they're from an OEM manufacturer.

Available as complete set or partial sets.

Offline flybox1

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My Vesrah kit had all I needed EXCEPT for the pucks. 
For the pucks, I ordered a set of 6 from two different sources, measured all 12, and used the 6 thickest ones (with sealant)
'78 750K (F3 engine) PD42b's, Modified airbox w/K&N  filter, 40/110 jets, 1 needle shim, IMS@ 1 turn out. Kerker + Cone 18" QuietCore

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