Following. I just got a K4 and will be repainting my tank as well. Going to keep a close eye on how your sides and tank turns out!
Thanks, I'm looking forward to see how these come out too. This'll be my first candy paint job and from what I've read the color really depends on how many coats you do of the candy over the silver base. Luckily I have some originals too compare color to.
Great freaking job, looks great. If you would like to help me out with my gauges please let me know.
Thanks! New gauge faces, bezels, glass and rings are from Marcel at I repainted the tips of the needles orange. Take your time taking them apart, just slowly go around the ring with a screwdriver blade prying little by little. Putting them back together was the hardest for me, you've got to rig up the gauges on a vice to keep them from moving and go around with a punch to pinch down your new ring.