Well, the piston install was fun.
Clocked the rings, installed the rings as I thought they should be - with the dual beveled silver lipped ring on top, the square edged number 2, and the oil rings. No top or bottom orientation.
Installed onto the rods, slapped on some good old Permatex aviation 3 to the cylinder gasket and block, then used a combination of Popsicle sticks and generic ring compressors from Pit Posse (the Honda ones would've worked better as they are smaller). A piston base stay would've helped too, but I made it work.
Now I am working toward getting the head on - installed the pins and rubbers, but the knock pins that locate the gasket on the cylinder and the head to the cylinder seem to be keeping the head gasket from laying flat. I tried two different gaskets, same deal. I swapped the pins and tried upside down and right side up on them as well, no joy. I posted the photos at the end of the progress work. Really hoping for some input!
A shot of the drag bars I'm going to use.
The issue with the head gasket. The knock pin is not completely down in the photos, but they have been every which way and I can't make either gasket lay flat. The holes all line up almost dead on otherwise.