People are just now getting how dangerous texting is. The cell phone companies and their lobbiests bribe or donate, however you want to put it, a tremenous amount of money to legislators to keep cellphones legal for use in cars etc. You would think that the insurance companies and their crooked lobby would do the same. It would save them billions. I remember when I lived in Virginia in 1996 or 97, back when cell phones were really coming into age, using them in a vehicle was illegal. You had to pull off the road to use them. I cannot believe that any sane, rational individual could ever argue that texting, calling or anything you do other than drive a car is safe to do. Our town has just instituted an ordinance banning texting, or any electronic communication in vehicles. Finally.
Now, if some jackass hit me with his car, I'd stalk him and become creative in my retaliation if I could get my boot out his arse.
Just last month I was hit at a stop light by a girl texting. Luckily, she had stopped first and didn't notice that she was rolling forward because she was on her phone. She couldn't understand why I was angry.