Managed to get the color matched for the tank graphic. I happened to be at Lowes this morning so I had them scan the extra flat piece I had powder coated. That didn't do anything for me. So I started comparing paint chips. I found one that was really close. A Google search for the RGB numbers for the paint chip was next. Got those and plugged them into ms paint. 15 adjustments later I have it damn near spot on. Since it will not be touching anything that is powder coated the extremely slight difference in color won't be noticed. I must have looked like a goober when checking the color. I laid the printed piece on my walkway with the powder coated piece on top and walked around to get different views at different angles and light/shade. I got a few strange looks from people driving by.
And the horn doesn't work. Finally remembered to give it a try on the bike. When I had it out of the bike I remember hooking it up to the battery and all it would do is make a scratching noise. When I pulled it out of the bike it was hot so there is definitely something wrong with it.
Took the dremel with a drum sanding bit and opened up the throttle tube housing. It was almost 2mm too small and would not close all of the way. Once that was done I was able to hook up the throttle cable and adjust it to get the carbs to open at the same time. Got the clutch cable on and adjusted. Air filters on and secured. Headlight switch mounted in the triple. I think it looks pretty good. I was able to find a latching switch that had a cream colored top. Rear sprocket is being made and I will order the front sprocket and chain tomorrow.
I ordered some more water slide decal paper so as soon as that gets here I will be making the call to my painter.
Well it appears I am the killer of the horn. I was looking for a replacement when I noticed this:
Note: Adjusting or removing the nut that holds the horn to the bracket or the small set screw on the back will prevent the horn from working properly.
I had removed the nut that holds the horn to the bracket so I could direct mount it. I guess I won't be making that mistake with the new one.