Thanks Bobby, and your folks should be congratulated for surviving well into their 90's, Dad scraped through to 88 but he was out of it for his 88th birthday and died two days later.
When I visited Dad at one of the homes he was staying at last year (he got shuffled between 3 because he had dementia and was a difficult patient, sadly) I was talking to an old school teacher of mine who's 93 and perfectly lucid, he fought in the Pacific theatre in WW2 and had some really interesting stories to tell, but he'd had a fall recently and broke his hip, so his daughter decided he would be better off in a nursing home, and to be fair, she found a good one for him.
I'm thinking about going back to visit my old teacher soon, my mum wants to go too as she'd made some friends at that home, and while she doesn't want to stay there just yet, she'd like to catch up with her friends who are dropping off the perch at a fairly rapid pace nowadays. Cheers, Terry. 
Yeah Terry it is tough getting old. My Brother and I have been trying to get them to get help. Mom took a fall and the Cops came she seemed ok. The next day she could not get up and the Cops called the Paramedics. The Paramedics called the Social services to have us charged with elder abuse.We had been working with her and we seized the opportunity.
Got Mom and Dad into a nice rehab facility and in a week or so, they go to a 3 room flat in an assisted living facility. The place is in my town about 5 minutes from my house.
I can take him to Town once in a while for a beer and a burger. His memory is going so he can't rat me out to my Mom.