I just figured that out yesterday. There are two ways:
1. Go to additional options and:
a. Click 'browse' behind
Attach b. Browse to the location of your picture.
c. Click 'open'
There are size constraints with this method. Most often you'll have to resize your pictures. I use Adobe Photo Elements that came bundled with my scanner. There are other, free, photoediting programs out there. One that works well is Fast Stone Photo Veiwer and Editor (
http://www.faststone.org/download.htm )
2. Resize your image to the desired display size. I set mine above for 6" wide and let the height fall where it would. Store your photo on a site such as Photobucket (
www.photobucket.com) Once it is there:
a. Start your reply.
b. Click the image icon above at the place you want your picturre (third image from the left, bottom row of icons - above the smileys)
c. Open Photobucket and sign in. I do this in a separate browser window for simplicity's sake)
d. Choose the photo you want to insert and click on " Direct Link " This puts a copy of the url on your clipboard.
e. Go back to your reply in the original browser window and left click between the ] and [ .
f. Then either hit control V or right click your mouse and click on 'paste' in the dialogue box that pops up.
Presto! Your image is posted.
Note: With the first method you cannot preview your imaged, and a small image will be posted with readers given the option to open a larger image.. Using the second allows you to preview, and posts a large image.
Now, have at it. We'd like to see your pictures.