I have to respectfully disagree with the post count idea and share my thoughts on pay to play while I'm at it.
1) As someone already mentioned, I'd rather somebody w/parts gave the forum first shot at them, even if they are new. I don't mind noob sellers; what cheeves me are the new (as in, that very second new) members who come looking for parts and disappear if/when they get them, especially when, as one fellow recently did, they post all over with their list of needs and expect a 'forum' price or deal.
2) I doubt I had 100 posts in my first 3 years on the forum. I tend to read a ton (and I actually use the search function so I don't have a bunch of questions I feel compelled to ask
), and, as for responding to posts, I'm usually either too slow on the draw and someone says what I was going to say, or, in most cases, I leave answers to those more knowledgeable than I. So my post count is low, but I've been around for a fair while now - with my history, when I first joined should I have had to wait 1 month before getting to sell something? 2 months? It gets sticky quickly.
3) And, for those of you still awake, these are my musings on the idea itself of fees for selling. When something gets commercialized, there seems to come a point where the group loses a certain feeling of being by members, for members. "Heck, if the site is making money off sales and ads and fill in the blank, then I don't need to contribute." (not my actual sentiment) I realize how much knowledge and enjoyment I get from the site, so I contribute when I can (and when I remember
), making me invested in the forum in all ways, which I think might be lost if it became fee-based.
With all that said, I'm also not opposed to paying a flat or annual membership fee, if that makes it better for those that keep the site running. SOHC4 is, as my wife calls it, my 'porn' site and I plan on visiting until I have to take a pill to ride.