Author Topic: DT250 no spark  (Read 5069 times)

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Offline CBGhia

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DT250 no spark
« on: June 19, 2015, 06:02:18 PM »
Hey guys, I am doing some work on a buddies DT250.  I don't know 2 stroke wiring very well.  Now, this has a magneto and there is a black wire that runs from the points up to the coil.  Now, the kill switch just grounds this wire out to stop the bike, but it is grounded now and I don't know why.  The guy said it was running when he dropped it off at my place, but the throttle cable was jacked so I never saw it run. 
The wire going to the coil should not be grounded, right?  You have to pull the magneto to get to the points, and I don't have the right tool.  I thought it best to ask before ripping stuff apart. 
CB550 Cafe, GL1000, Buell Ulysses
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Re: DT250 no spark
« Reply #1 on: June 19, 2015, 07:31:02 PM »
disconnect the ignition wire at the coil and put one end of an ohmeter on it and the other to ground, rotate the magneto and check if the meter reads continuity when closed and infinity when open.  If my recollection is good the points are adjusted through a slot in the mag.  Also, it is a good idea to use a point file along with electronic cleaner and air to clean the points...Larry

Offline CBGhia

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Re: DT250 no spark
« Reply #2 on: June 20, 2015, 09:56:36 AM »
I checked the gap, which seemed small, but was opening. But when I hooked up my noise box, the tone never changes.  I opened the gap more, and the tone still never changes. So, the points are grounded out.  What a pain.
CB550 Cafe, GL1000, Buell Ulysses
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Offline strynboen

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Re: DT250 no spark
« Reply #3 on: June 20, 2015, 10:18:13 AM »
often it shorts hvere the Black vire konnekts to breaker it are turned,a bit  and kontakt metal or shorts all aut.
as long the breaker is in closed are shorted to ground..but vhen it opens it vill read the kondensators still a kind of short-0,22 mikrofarad..and if the vires is konnekted to the high pover have a heigh ohm take the Black vire aut of hareness,, to thek

.there is often a kondensator in game too..if there are a breaker..and it can give falce readings at the diskonnekt all vires to thek for shorts.

.all Yamahas use the same metric thredet somone have one for shure..its a fine metric therds..m 30 #1..or somthing like ..

the never types have pick up ignisions..and like to burn up the coil for the cdi box/ignision coil..
« Last Edit: June 20, 2015, 10:26:20 AM by strynboen »
i kan not speak english/but trying!!
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Offline CBGhia

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Re: DT250 no spark
« Reply #4 on: June 21, 2015, 08:00:03 AM »
Yeah, I pulled the connection from the rest of the harness.  I traced the short loom and I cannot see anyplace where that wire could ground out.  It has to be in the area around the points/condenser.  Just need to pull the mag.
CB550 Cafe, GL1000, Buell Ulysses
if you dont trial spin the camshaft in the head and cover you are a novice,with no natural mechanical appitude,destined for destruction.
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Offline MoMo

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Re: DT250 no spark
« Reply #5 on: June 21, 2015, 09:06:06 AM »
Yeah, I pulled the connection from the rest of the harness.  I traced the short loom and I cannot see anyplace where that wire could ground out.  It has to be in the area around the points/condenser.  Just need to pull the mag.

there is a special puller, can't beat this price.  Sure quality is marginal but for a one time or seldom use it should be fine

Offline CBGhia

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Re: DT250 no spark
« Reply #6 on: July 01, 2015, 06:33:22 PM »
Ok guys,  I pulled the flywheel.  The points are fine, but the condenser is grounding out.  There are 3 wires coming from it.  I melted the solder and the grounded wire is going to the coil seen in the diagram below.  The one on the left is linked to the bigger one on the right.  It seems to be grounded at the top, where a ring connector goes to the bolt holding it down.  Should the coils here be reading a ground?

CB550 Cafe, GL1000, Buell Ulysses
if you dont trial spin the camshaft in the head and cover you are a novice,with no natural mechanical appitude,destined for destruction.
"The cleaner the dipstick, the closer to God." -Rev. Horton Heat
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Offline strynboen

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Re: DT250 no spark
« Reply #7 on: July 03, 2015, 08:17:38 AM »
one end of the coil starts at a ground...

..your have theis special koupled coils..there are  some 100 the first coil vho helps the "real" coil be fired vas used on erly jap bikes..but vas to kosty..later modells use a one coil..system

if it gives problem..the konnektion vire can be cut..and put direkt to ground.

.it can funktion fine vitaut the ekstra vindings in the help coil..vho also holds the light/loading.. vindings
i kan not speak english/but trying!!
i hate all this v-w.... vords

Offline CBGhia

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Re: DT250 no spark
« Reply #8 on: July 04, 2015, 07:15:20 AM »
Got it all sorted out.  The issue was a short caused by a pinched wire.  My fault.  Thanks for the help.
CB550 Cafe, GL1000, Buell Ulysses
if you dont trial spin the camshaft in the head and cover you are a novice,with no natural mechanical appitude,destined for destruction.
"The cleaner the dipstick, the closer to God." -Rev. Horton Heat
“Faster, Faster, until the thrill of speed overcomes the fear of death.”  - Hunter S. Thompson