Tech Forums > SOHC/4 Bikes
Gas Leak
I recently picked up a 1974 cb750, bike is in very good condition, starts easily and after it warms up for a few minutes idles very nicely. However, i have noticed after I shut it down within five minutes a get a pool of gas below the bike. Any ideas what would cause leak. ??
yeah either have a leaking needle and seat, in which case turn your fuel off, and remove the carb bowl,floats, and needle and seat, and give them clean, or you might need to rebuild your carbs.... a problem i had was that the float bowl gasket was perished, and would leak past the top of the bowel.... but again i also had leaking needle and seats.... hope this helped..cheers
Don`t forget to check your oil for gas contamination.If the needles and seats are leaking then chances are you have gas in your oil now.
--- Quote from: Einyodeler on April 03, 2005, 06:47:26 AM ---Don`t forget to check your oil for gas contamination.If the needles and seats are leaking then chances are you have gas in your oil now.
--- End quote ---
i agree hole heartedly on that one... if you know its been leaking, and you havent started the bike... you can get away with just daining the sump... but if you start it... you will have to replace all the oil.....fix the carbs, and change the oil.....peace
Bob Wessner:
Do you routinely shut-off the petcock? Does the pool of fuel below the bike continue to get larger, or does it just stop at some point?
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