Did they have a wheel chuck for the bike, or just "throw" it up there? That is my reservation with tow companies. Do they have experience with bikes? Don't want to see it on it's side or hanging off a flatbed.
First, I would never just let some knucklehead do anything to my bike if I thought he didn't know what he was doing. I would question anything and everything that made me uneasy (before it happens), and I would do my best to guide them to secure my bike properly. I don't care who is towing it. It's my bike. I dictate what happens to it.
That being said... theey specifically tow bikes and sent a flatbed tow truck (I wouldn't have it any other way). The guy knew what he was doing. Front wheel against the winch (acting as a chuck), with four winch straps on the forks and frame. When I expressed concerns or offered suggestions to secure the bike, he listened, we discussed options and he made sure I was satisfied before attempting to move the truck. Having moved many bikes before, I would say, not only did he know what he was doing but he also went above and beyond to make me feel that he knew what he was doing as well.
If you need to have a tow, your choices are few. AAA doesn't do bikes and won't even come out to jump a battery on one. Needless to say, they have little experience towing bikes. I wouldn't use them, even if I could. Considering price alone, the AMA membership is a no-brainer. Having your bike towed by somebody that knows bikes only makes it better.
Ultimately, if you spend $49 a year, you never have to think about what your options might be, if you ever need them. My membership paid for itself 3 time over, the first time I used it. Two tows would equal the 6 years I have been a member. I can't recommend it enough.