So I guess I am here for some confirmation ... I have never intro'd myself officially sooo ... hi
Bike: 72 (mostly) cb750K2 bare steel cafe from hell, 27k+ mi
Getting my bike running after this winter's sleep has been quite an adventure. I was chasing what I thought was the engine missing, but in the end appears to be transmission. It basically skips, really quickly, in first and second. There is a lot of clatter when it happens and for the longest time I couldn't tell if the engine was winding up or not, its just sort of a *bang* ... *bang bang* upon acceleration. Bike doesnt move when it happens and needless to say it feels deadly when leaned over. When I say it doesnt move I mean the power momentarily cuts out. After going through everything it took a while but now I can tell in the frac of a second that YES the motor winds up.
Its a really hard thing to describe but I'm hoping someone will be like "oh yeah THAT." Its basically like the clutch slipping but very harsh and mechanical when it happens, and quickly, machine gun esque.
SO, since the ENTIRE everything has been gone over (because I thought for the longest time my 1+4 coil was missing) I assume it is now time to pull motor and split the cases. (because I will get asked; new coils, points, condensers, static timed dead on, cam chain adjusted, valves adjusted, carbs cleaned, filters cleaned)
I plan to leave the top end as it is, the bike runs real strong.
Does this machine gun like slipping sound familiar to anyone? Anything I should be looking for in particular? ie Have my dogs gone for a walk or should I be looking for a replacement shift fork? Trying to get an idea of what Im going in for from someone w experience.
Is there a chance in hell that its the steel clutch plates? I replaced the friction plates only last year.
Before this started I would occasionally go over a square edged harsh bump and it would fall out of second into neutral, also it likes to randomly miss second and go to neutral from the moment I got it.
I have been reading this forum all morning and found a ton about tearing it down but would like to have a better idea of the WHAT and WHY before I crack it open.
Thanks in advance to anyone w some input