With the Carrillo rods I should see a little less stretch and can tighten up the squish from .040 to .035. The stock crank weighed 19.5 lbs. on my bathroom scale and 16.5 after lightening. Not super accurate, but a 3 lbs. difference.
Worked on installing the Cycle X straight intake manifolds today and re-racking the carburetors.
Here are the new manifolds with two rubbers boots installed. Forty millimeter Honda clamps are just right. 95018-
40250 This part number works for multiple carb clamps, just change to 40 to the size desired.
Re-racked carbs mounted.
You need to purchase the bracket on the side of carb #2 that holds the fuel "T" in place. Without it the fuel "T" can slip out and allow fuel to spill. Sudco carries them.
Looking down the carb mouth you can just see the valve guide at the back! A nice straight shot for the air/fuel mixture.