Helping a buddy out.
He brought it to me after spending too much at the mechanics attempting to tune out a rich/plug fouling condition.
In my experience with the bike for the last 3 days,
it fouls all 4 plugs.Its other symptom is that it
bogs down while accelerating from 60mph.Here's what I have verified/checked:
Bike idles well at 1500rpm. No popping. If i try to get it to idle lower, it chugs out.
The engine is quiet, otherwise, so i passed on the valve shim/gap verification.
New Honda paper air filter/original airbox, unobstructed.
Baffled 4 into 1 Kerker (I dont think this was stock). Its really
Plug caps all are 4.5-6.0k ohms. D8EA plugs. Good spark on all.
Carbs cleaned. Keihin VBs. (VB42 maybe?)
Keihin stock jets: 68 primary, 102 secondary and emulsion tubes are clean and clear.
Fuel cutoff diaphragm clean and operational
Accel pump clean and operational
Fuel level confirmed at 4mm+/-. Fuel screws at 1.50 turns out.
Carbs vacuum sync'd.
I do have to say that the airbox/boots on this bike scuk b@lls.
I'm thankful every day for the ease of my SOHC CB750 airbox.
I will be pulling the carbs again over the next few days. The choke lever/linkage is out of whack. It does nothing. So I start the bike with a few twists to prime the carbs, and then feather the throttle to keep it lit until warm.
I'll ride around the neighborhood, 2/3/4th gear, 4-6000rpm, and the longer i ride it the worse it sounds, and sure enough, the plugs look like the circled one pictured below.
I appreciate the assistance so far from eigenvector (PM's), but I'm stumped. Would the Kerker be more restrictive than the original 4:4 pipes, causing the stock jetting to be overly rich?
Thanks for any input, guys.....