I checked the valve adjustment today. After seeing the post explaining the timing marks, I redid all of them. I used to use the space between the 0 and 5 degree marks. Set them all today at the 0 degree mark. Just minor adjustment was needed and they were a little loose, not tight.
I triple checked the timing. I put my gun on #1 and #4. Also checked #3 while I was there. The timing is dead steady when advanced. I would say that it's possibly a little advanced. Maybe the width of the mark past 31.5 degrees, the
green mark in the picture. I would have dialed it back but I'm working by myself today and really needed an extra set of hands. Would 1-3 degrees advance cause the issues I'm having? It still wouldn't explain the temperature difference on #1.
Which, BTW, was closer today, but still consistently cooler. If anything, the OTHER three were running a tad cooler and #1 was the same as it has been.
I also tried different air screws on #1; an aftermarket one and a genuine Keihin. Nothing really helped.
I did the clear tube method again on #1 and #4. They are so close to the pictures I've seen, such as this one, that I wouldn't dare touch them. The level is basically at the bottom of the lip on the bowl, just like in these pics.
I also removed the overflow tubes on the bowls and watched for fuel.....nothing.
I checked the advancer by snapping the rotor on the Pamco back and forth. I also checked the advance mechanism when I had it off and it looked great. I used a light film of grease on it.
I'm now suspecting something electrical.....maybe....
Sometimes, it will idle just like it should and then immediately die, like someone hit the kill switch. Always starts right back up. Other times, the idle wants to rise and fall.....hang for a bit, but then die when I back off the screw.
I can find a single thing sticking on the throttle, cable, rack, etc.
Could it be running out of gas? Maybe, but the fuel valves are new, float levels set, checked with a vacuum gauge on the bench and the clear tube method on the bike (on #1 and #4, anyway. Any time I open a drain screw, I get fuel). Plus, it doesn't stumble and slowly die, like when you need to switch to reserve. It just dies.
And if the high idle is because of a lean mixture (low fuel), why is it random?
This thing is really kicking my ass. I think I'm going to replace the coils, just so I can rule them out.
I also have a set of 087A carbs that are for the STF2 bike. They came off a running bike (rode it for thousands of miles with them) and have been in my spare bedroom for a couple of years. I think I'll pull a bowl or two, check for any residue or dried up O-rings, and slap them on if the coils don't fix it.