You'd have shot him just for that?
Lol, I knew that response would get a rise from our anti-gun members. That cage driver was clearly out of line, assaulting both people on the motorcycle. Did you notice how dilated his pupils were, in broad daylight? That guy was either on something, or was really in a rage. Did I say I would've shot him? No. But I would imagine having a .45 pointed at your face would've calmed him down in a heartbeat until the cops got there. You anti-gun nuts need to calm the fcuk down. Don't be hatin' just because your country doesn't have a Second Amendment, get over it!
The people shouldn't fear their govt, the govt should fear the people...
I actually do own firearms, so I wouldn't consider myself an anti-gun nut. As you pointed out, the driver appeared to "either on something, or was really in a rage" -- and, therefore, not rational. Pointing a firearm at a deranged person will not necessarily "calm them down in a heartbeat." Have you confronted violent, deranged or high people at gunpoint to know the efficacy of using the gun? It is more likely that they will do something even more stupid because they are not thinking rationally.
Since the guy gave the girl a shove and threw a punch at the guy (and I might even say a weak-ass one at that AT A HELMET), there was never a threat of great bodily harm. You would not likely be justified in threatening deadly force under those circumstances. Using a gun in that situation is inappropriately heavy handed, and a pu$$y move.
If a high school teen gets into a schoolyard fight, is he justified in pulling a loaded gun and threatening to kill the other kid?? Hell no! This biker had his head screwed on straight and subdued the driver. I think many would have given the driver an a$$-kicking and still remain in the right.