You folks need to get your heads out of the trash magazines, turn off the TV and get back to motorcycles! WTF do you care what Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner does with his body or sexual preferences? Why are people so quick to judge what others are doing? Does this somehow effect your lives? Does one more male or female on the planet really impact you so much that you have a right to express your bigoted discriminatory views? Are you that perfect that you have nothing to hide or be ashamed of yourselves? Some of you are gay, some of you probably wear ladies panties. Who knows and who the #$%* cares!
I have a son who came out three years ago. Should I subject him to the hatred some of you ignorant and intolerant folks are expressing here? I would have hoped that by 2015 we would have become a more tolerant society but between the racial and sexual discrimination we see in America (and beyond) I guess I'm wrong.