Just installed the "Pamco Ultimate Ignition kit," plugs, coils, wires and module. Bike runs and starts with the slightest bump of the starter. My question is where do I adjust the timing? The terrible instructions that came with the kit say align the "F" with the notch on the engine at 1000rpm. People running the Dynatek ignition, say to set the timing to the two lines clockwise from the "F" mark. The engine seems to run much better with the advanced timing position similar to the Dynatek advised setting, with the two lines lined up with the notch instead of the "F." But, when revving the engine to 2500rpm to check the advance, both suggested ways of setting the timing don't align with advanced timing mark. Its way advanced but, if I adjust the plate, the idle timing is out of time. How should I adjust the electrodes on the timing plate? Just move one or do I move both around? Just one side? Any information would be greatly appreciated. I'm so lost.