I would like to provide the Canadian side of the "gun control" story.
Here in Canada, we can own rifles (including semi-automatic), shotguns, and pistols. We cannot own fully-automatic firearms (unless they were grandfathered in, such as old military collectibles).
Semi-auto rifles' magazines are limited to 5 rounds, with some notable exceptions such as the American M1 Garand (8 rounds enbloc).
Pistols' magazines are limited to 10 rounds.
Pistol barrel length is limited to no shorter than 4.13" (105mm), center fire rifles 18", semi-auto rifles, 18.5". Shotguns and rimfire firearms, if the barrel length is shorter than 18" FROM THE FACTORY, it is perfectly legal. But you cannot MODIFY it to make it shorter than that 18" limit.
Some rifles are put into the "restricted" category (same as pistols) by name and appearance... AR-15 and variants. Even though they are just the same as any other semi-auto rifle. Just more plastic!
Some rifles are banned by name and appearance... AK47. Even though they are the same as any other semi-auto rifle!
All Canadians who wish to Possess and Acquire non-restricted firearms (long rifles, shotguns) must take a MANDATORY training course, and pass a test. To obtain Restricted firearms (pistols and other so-deemed rifles (such as the AR-15 and variants)), Canadians must do another course and test.
All applicants undergo DAILY, automated police background checks while PAL or R-PAL is valid.
All firearms are subject to strict storage and (especially for restricted) transportation laws.
Canada has some pretty silly laws when it comes to firearms. The banning/restricting of who can own one type of semi-auto rifle because of how it looks, or the name it was given, is just downright absurd. It is a firearm. It is no more "dangerous" than the person wielding it.
We can't open or concealed carry, we can't hunt with pistols, and we are probably some of the most scrutinized/"watched" people in Canada. And yet we are seen as "nuts" because we like to make things go boom sometimes.
I LIKE the firearms laws in Canada. They are mostly reasonable, in terms of training, education, and licensing. I think if more states followed our methods, and INCLUDED the right to open/concealed carry (with more MANDATORY training) where they already exist... the US's gun "problem" might be improved a bit.
Someone give me a direct question, dammit!