Exactly what he said. But here's some extra guidance:
The power wire running to your coils is BLK/WHT striped. It comes from the KILL switch as 70CB said. The BLUE wire from your points and the YELLOW wire feed each side of the coils, BLUE to the 1-4 coil, 2-3 by YELLOW. These are not the source of the melted harness.
If your pipes are cold, then the spark plugs aren't firing. If it were only a fuel issue, the pipe would still be somewhat hot. If this issue began after the gas station collision, or worsened, then I'd start carefully disassembling the switch controls from the bars. Inspect the wires themselves and make the insulation is covering it completely. Especially look under the instrumentation cluster as this is a popular location for bare wires to ground out.
More times than not, a PO improperly jumped the bike and reversed polarity. This frequently results in a melted harness. Since you replaced your R/R, I suspect that to have been the case.
So, start at the coils on the BLK/WHT wires for voltage and poor connections. Work your way back to the handle bars. Then trace BLK from the handle bars thru the harness to the KEY. Somewhere along that line is the drop in voltage if you find the coils are problematic.
Best to replace your points with a quality set of TEC brand only. Avoid the Daichi points. And carry a spare set until you've got the bike running really well for a while. Condensers should be replaced too.