I got my carbs back in the bike and lo and behold, the thing is running great (aside from the charging issue I'm working on). Here's what was there:
-stock airbox with oiled air filter, 4 into 1 kerker exhaust with no baffles (it's the 750F, so it originally came with 4 into 1 WITH baffles)
-74 and 96 jets
-floats set to like 6-7mm
-one pilot screw missing
-other pilots missing their o-rings and washers
-needle set to 3 slots below top
-2 stripped main tubes
-all else was pretty clean and in shape
Here's what I put into it:
-kept stock airbox but replaced filter with high flow paper type, same exhaust
-switched out the 96's for 105's, kept the 74's
-set floats to 5.5mm
-replaced pilot screw and all o-rings and washers- set them to 2.5 turns out
-set needle to 2 below top (I did this to compensate for putting a significantly larger jet in)
-replaced 2 tubes and cleaned the others
-serviced the acceleration pump
-polished the slides where they looked like they were abraded and added a very thin coat of lube
-new air box boots (they are attached with zip ties for now until I get the proper clamps)
-cleaned everything I could without taking the carb banks apart
I fired it up and got the idle right and now it accelerates like a freakin' rocket. No popping, backfire, or noticeable lag (it does still have a slight vacumn leak because of the zip ties at full throttle) I pulled the plugs and they look a little rich, but I think with a little tuning it will be fine. Thank you Flybox for your help!