Cal, totally unnecessary bud, the swingarms we are using are designed to accomodate18 inch wheels, I have a 4.5x17 rim with a 180 slick on it and it fits in a stock arm, plenty of room in front of it for the 18, which is only half inch or less bigger in that area... Most classic race 500/550/750 run 18/18 combo, look at the continental road or race attack tires designed for these applications...
Yeah, I'm well aware of the road racers setup preference. Not sure what Don's intentions were though. And, he's not using a stock swing arm, so as a precaution I'll measure it for him as "his" swing arm is sitting on one of my bikes
I will say this. I've got a 130-16 on there now, and while I don't see any clearance issue to the frame of the arm, the stay rod (for drums) will be quite problematic without modification for a 150/160 tire.
As a reference, the dimensions I got from Devin was 13" radius from the CL of axle to peak of tmounted tire, and 5-5/8" for overall width at the peak. We all know that can differ slightly based upon which tire, but it should be close enough for local government work
A 180 on a stock 750 arm? Hmmm, sounds "snug".