I just spoke with Barbara at Megacycle. They are shipping my 126-20 cam and hardweld rockers directly to me (instead of having to go back East to Mike and then back to California to me). I should get them Monday!
My buddy Jay LaRossa is going to fix the half-a$$ed work on the tank, including the knee and clip-on indents and do my frame mods (detab, brace, cross-member relocation, electronics relocation and hoop).
Wheel rims and spokes are on order from Buchanan's. Shocks to be sourced from Fox.
Electrical will likely be Motogadget M-Unit, buttons, lock and a Koso TNT-01 Gauge
27-5749__93326.1435861301.400.400_zpshhuvxwfa by
Donald Leonhardt, on Flickrhttp://i260.photobucket.com/albums/ii35/Hard_Boiled/CB550F/27-5749__93326.1435861301.400.400_zpshhuvxwfa.jpg[/img][/URL]