Wow thanks for this massive help guys, the four community isn't that big here in Belgium, a bit in the Netherlands but that's it.
It's going to be a project at a student budget, so don't expect me to get it all chromed and welded out, first I want it to ride good, and then slightly on change the rest.
I want to redo everything from the Fuel to the engine, and from the starter to the engine
1) Clean out the fuel tank and remove eventual rust inside
2) Check the fuel lines for replacement
3) Take the carbs off, clean them and put them back
4) Clean the airfilter
5) Replace the spark plugs
6) Install a battery
7) Replace the oil
8 ) Measure out the voltages and try to start it
9) Synchronize the carbs when it starts
10) Adjust the valves interspaces
Ok the key is ordered
I was looking on “David Silver Spares” because they’re cheap for postage to Belgium
Shoppinglist contains all the basic stuff I think I’ll need to get going and try to get ignition and check up with the state of the engine:
Aftermarket Battery CB12AA
4x Spark plugs, is NGK DR8ESL a good choice or doesn't it matter so much on these bikes?
Motorex carb cleaner 500ml
Motorex 10w40 semi-synth oil 4l
But I’d want some other parts I can’t find there
-Cheap Carberator Synchronizer kit
-Product to clean my rusted wheelspokes, exhaust etc
-Cheaper Battery charger (the one on the site is €60 and I only have this bike with battery..)
-Fueltank inside cleaner (against the possible rust above in the tank)
Somebody knows a site that can offer me some of these cheaper solutions too?
Can't wait to get started!
