Author Topic: Lower race seating issues  (Read 461 times)

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Offline Turbogrimace

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Lower race seating issues
« on: August 30, 2015, 11:21:42 AM »
I'm installing tapered bearings on a 78 cb550 and the lower race doesn't seem to want to seat all the way. Or it is and it just doesn't look like it. I pressed it in cold and it suddenly stopped with a bit of a gap. I've hammered it in with a pipe, pressed it in with some 5/8" all thread and some machined aluminum ends that match the taper on the race... and nothing. It won't budge but still looks like its not seated.  I've attached a picture.

Any thoughts?

Offline riverfever

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Re: Lower race seating issues
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2015, 01:59:42 PM »
I can't recall for certain and I can't find pics of when I installed these on my 76 550 but I want to say that I had a bit of  a gap as well. Not much. Nad I also kept carefully banging away on it with a brass drift to no avail. I remember this because I forgot to stack up the old set with the new set and measure them both and needed to remove that race and that gap was just enough for me to grab an edge and drive it out. I've had mine in for probably close to 1000 miles now and it's been fine.,1516.0.html

I also went back and looked at the pics in this thread and there's one on page 6 that looks just like yours. ??

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Offline Powderman

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Re: Lower race seating issues
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2015, 07:55:13 PM »
Run it like that and just check the tension on it after a few rides. Chances are it is seated and not going anywhere. If it moves you'll hear/feel the slack in it when riding.

Offline Turbogrimace

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Re: Lower race seating issues
« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2015, 05:57:12 AM »
Thanks for the info and research Riverfever!  I saw that post too but wasn't convinced that there was a gap in that picture.  I certainly put a lot of pressure on it when using the compression tool.  And my thought was similar to yours Powderman.  I'll get it assembled and take it to the dirt track.  Hit a few jumps and check for slack :)