First solo drive of a motorbike was a Honda 50. I would guess I was about 8 years old. Previous to that I had sat in front of my grandfather or uncle on a CB350, and ran the throttle. About 1988 I purchased my first and only street bike a 1975 Honda CB550F. I was the third owner. A previous owner put on a faring and installed a wider seat. Due to money woes and needed repairs I last licensed the bike in 1992. I have not had it running since 1993. This June I pushed the bike out of the raspberry vines. It had been under a tarp but that did not last 20 years. Time to get it running.
First order of business was to get air in the tires. (Three weeks later there is still air in the tires, good so far.) After pushing 500 lbs. up a uneven slope and down across the yard. I got it parked in the drive way. I purchased an old fashion oil can and filled it with 10w30 oil, pulled each spark plug, and squirted 6 shots into each cylinder. Two days later, I gave the kick starter a try. The engine turned and I could feel the compression!
With the engine not seized up, I removed the carburetors. The carbs were seized up. Break cleaner, Carb cleaner, and WD40 were used to free up the throttle valves. Then it was on to cleaning the main jets which took a few days. The next item was the floats and float valves. All ports cleaned with carb cleaner squirting through I was feeling encouraged. Ordered a new float, float valve and 4 new pins. Those arrived today and I plan to install them tomorrow.
Today I drained the old oil and changed the filter. If things go well I might try starting the bike tomorrow.