So, the guy moaning in the weeds who wrecked caused another rider coming from the opposite direction to skid and be run over by a car?
I was at a traffic light in Tucson on Wilmot Road & Speedway to turn left several vehicles back. A car turned in front of a motorcycle (cruiser) and guy hit her rear quarter panel and went flying twenty-thirty feet beyond the car. It was a 40 zone. He was a heavy fellow and chose yo not eesr a helmet. Hit like a sack of potatoes and didn't move. Was on his back. A few people were providing aid until ambulance came to take him less than mile to ER. He began siezinh and vommiting and they had to roll him on his side carefully cradling his head to keep the neck straight and not bend it.
When squad arrived they immediately immobilized the neck with collar and went to work stripping him down for transport as he would be rushed to surgery and they were saving time cutting his clothes off as they prepped him for transport. It was a sad sight to see as he was likely a dead man and at best an organ donor.
All because some driver misjudged his speed or didn't see him and pulled in front of him.