Good and bad news on my progress with my girlfriend's bike. I did another round of carb cleaning to no avail. I also did some minor electrical work (turn signal flasher, loose connections). Right before loading the bike onto the trailer to take to a mechanic, I decided to give it one last try, and it started right up. It seemed to run well for a minute, but then was lacking power, so I pulled the carbs for the 7th time. 7th! I'm wearing the bastards out. Anyway, I found a little gunk in the float bowl of carb #1, but the jets were all clear. It seemed like the bowls on carbs 2 and 3 were not full. The float in one seemed almost dry.
The tank was resealed by the previous owner, and there's a little rust, so I got a big clear fuel filter just to ensure that there's no gunk getting in. I reinstalled the carbs. Now the bike will start and idle just fine. As soon as I get on the gas to pull out of the driveway, it runs on fewer than four cylinders. If I drive down the street and goose it onto the main street, I top out at maybe 15mph, and it dies as soon as I'm off the throttle. If I let it sit a minute, it catches back up.
My first suspicion was fuel starvation. But I checked the flow into a gas can, and it seems to work fine. I tried riding the bike with the fuel cap open (what a mess) - same result. I removed the fuel filter and ran the gas straight into the carbs. Same result. I removed the petcock and took it apart - everything looked fine. The petcock seems to function fine too. When I had the carbs apart, I blew into the fuel supply ports, and they all seemed fine. I tested the float valves while blowing, and they worked fine. Also, I checked and adjusted the floats, so assuming I did that correctly, those are fine too.
So maybe it's not a fuel issue? If I can rule it an electrical issue, maybe I can stop smelling like gasoline all the time. On that front, I have gapped and changed all four spark plugs, confirmed spark in all four cylinders (while turning the engine over without fuel), and confirmed that the wires are in the correct order. The points look fine to my uneducated eyes, and the gaps are good. I have not changed any spark plug wires, coil wires, coils, or points. For what it's worth, the guy I bought the bike from said the bike would probably need new points because it had been sitting for so long. And there were spider webs everywhere on this bike, which hadn't run in at least 14 years. They were inside the tach and speedo, inside the points cover, the handlebar switches, etc. I cleaned as best I could. Maybe there is filth in some electrical connection somewhere?
Or maybe I have an air problem? The air adjustment screws are out 7/8 turn. The air box and a new air filter are connected correctly. Everything on this bike, I should mention, is stock. There are no apparent vacuum leaks on the engine side of the carbs. I haven't been inside the engine at all.
I'm in the sad situation where my (licensed) girlfriend is finally excited about practicing riding, but I can't get her little bike working! She refuses to ride either of my other bikes too. So any advice you can provide will be fantastic!