You guys know how, when you're having a conversation with your friends, some dude just kind of stands there, not really in the conversation, but won't leave? Then they chime in with something that's almost related, but not reallly?
That's me right now.

Even though this is about PEGGING speedo's I just have to chime in.
First car was a '76 Chevy Caprice Classic. 2 door Landau. 350V8.
<Homer Simpson - Unggghhh Mmmm>
Nothing special or collectiable, but man I loved that car. Don't even remember what the speedometer went up to. Probably 100 mph. This was one of those short and WIDE speedos. No peg. Once or twice, "buried" the needle. Went far enough past 100 that the needle disappeared.
Gotta love long, straight, flat country roads.

So, anyone else ever bury a needle? Not pegging, but just as much fun.