Hey All,
Anyone that knows me knows It's hard for me to pass anything up. So I'm turned into the subdivision and 2 house over from me I see a pile of trash. I had to investigate.
Well driving up I see 5 speaker cabinets. I see 1 JBL L100 and a pioneer, so I start grabbing them, a lady comes out said I have a receive in the basement. Sansui qrx-6500 she said $50 so I bought it. Don't know much about the receiver but figure I could get me 50 back. So back to the speakers. I loaded up and mentioned I loaded 5 speakers weird someone would only have 5 not 6. She said lets go look, so from behind the recliner sat the other speaker. These where free and on the curb already. 2 pair of JBL L100A's and a pair CS-A700 Pioneer speakers in nice shape other than the overwatering of the plant at one point in there lives.