I made the seat pan out of fiberglass, and a friend of mine did the foam and cover. I was going to try and use the original pan but decided that it was huge, heavy, and didn't really contour to the shape of the bike very well.
Just masked everything off (I wanted to use the original hinge and key lock so I have those installed under the tape):
Used an old blanket as a spacer to give me room for backing material, then covered in plastic:
Put down two layers of the woven mat to get a smooth bottom:
Covered with about 4 layers of chopped mat for strength, plus some filler to get the shape I wanted. Glassed a couple of bolts into the base to install the hinge and lock:
No pictures of the foam, but it's a high-density gray foam. It's about an inch think where the front seat is, which is just a little too thin. I'm probably gonna have him put a gel pad in place of the foam since I'm bottoming out on the seat pan over bigger bumps and it's giving me some lower back pain.