Author Topic: Ricks Reg/Rec Combo causing lighting issue  (Read 660 times)

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Offline Radski

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Ricks Reg/Rec Combo causing lighting issue
« on: June 12, 2021, 04:57:16 PM »
Hey guys,

I had a search around and couldnt really find the answer to this so sorry if its already out there.

Last weekend I installed a 10-100 Ricks Motorsport Reg/Rec combo and, my word does it start much better and seem to have more/better spark if thats possible. The issue that I'm having is my headlight which is a little DCC 4.5" bates style incandescent headlight, will kind of dim and brighten depending on the RPM's. Then if I really give it some, the light pretty much cuts out all together. Then I'll have to give it a good turn on the throttle again to get the light back on.

Anyone know what could be causing this? Not sure what other info you'll need but have regular batter not lithium, and pretty much everything else is stock.

What say you? Thanks!
1976/1977 Honda Cb750 "Odzilla"

Offline Bodi

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Re: Ricks Reg/Rec Combo causing lighting issue
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2021, 06:39:23 PM »
Possibly the connection to the R/R on the black (switched power) lead is dodgy. If that voltage goes low due to a weak connection somewhere, the regulator will ask for more voltage than is really required. An intermittent fault there causes flickering light. If it goes completely off the regulator will not work at all and you're on total loss battery power.
But as far as the headlight going dead... it's on a sorta different circuit - it still feeds from that black wire but also through the head fuse and at least one switch as well.
Main cause of headlight going out is the starter button switch. Headlight power goes through it, and the contacts corrode to cause heating which melts the switch housing and/or the connections' solder making the headlight either fail completely or start going off intermittently. The dimmer switch is a lot more robust and the contacts slide together - that cleans them every time they're used. Switching lo-hi-lo-hi a few times should get rid of any troublesome corrosion.
If the keyswitch is going stupid, it can mess up the black wire voltage.
And of course there are all the bullet connections in the harness. Great connectors, actually, but no 60s/70s bike was designed to last this long.

Offline Radski

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Re: Ricks Reg/Rec Combo causing lighting issue
« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2021, 07:40:14 PM »
I did replace all bullets in the build with quality ones from Vintage Connections. And EVERY one has the little clear protectors from water etc. I'll check them to be sure but its just funny since putting this new reg/rec that I have this issue. Thats why I'm weary of the hi/lo switch. My starter switch has always had this small hitch to it but its worked. Key switch is brand new but will check its connections too.

Again just weird that since installing the new reg/reg this issue popped up.
1976/1977 Honda Cb750 "Odzilla"

Offline Bodi

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Re: Ricks Reg/Rec Combo causing lighting issue
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2021, 01:43:13 PM »
It could be defective of course. I would connect a meter to the field coil and see what's happening there.
But the headlight going off... I don't see any way the R/R is causing that.