Hey all, just wanted to document my build progress on this 77 CB550K I picked up this past Sunday (9/27/15). I bought the bike from a fairly eclectic fellow who owns a few buildings full of old SUV's, trucks and boats (and who knows what else) downtown. He says he hadn't ridden the bike since 2003, and it's just been sitting in his building, untouched. I negotiated a price that I felt comfortable with, found a ramp, called in some help and we got it loaded up into the back of my dads Dakota and brought it home. My hopes are that somehow, this comes out cheaper than what I'd spend building my BMW. So far what I've spent on the bike, and parts currently ordered, equal the cost of down pipes and 5" intercooler.
Now a disclaimer; I have never worked on motorcycles. This forum, YouTube and repair manuals will be the lifeblood of this project. I do, however, consider myself relatively mechanically inclined. Hopefully, that will help ease the pain through this lengthy and tedious process.
On to my intentions; My first goal is to hear this bike run. Knowing that I have a running platform will give me confidence and motivation through the rest of this project. I've picked up shells and cars in pieces in the past and 75% of the time, because i never got to hear it run, drive it and become connected with it, they ended up sold before I finished them. Once I hear it run atleast half way decent, the bike will go down to the frame and I'll give attention where it is due (everywhere it seems). Along the way I hope to end up with some kind of cafe/bratstyle/tracker-ish bike. I know the community kind of hates these terms (the forums tell me so) but it's the only way I feel I can explain what I'm after.
So here's how she looked fresh off the truck sitting in my tiny, newly acquired garage.
Cracked open the break fluid res, and looks like im going to need to clean out and flush the entire front breaking system...
Also appears that the tank isn't as rusty as I had expected, but will require some rust removal.
Here's how the bike sits now after a few nights of going in there after work and messing around.
Managed to get the carbs off with ease. Loosened all of the clamps, unbolted the airbox and moved it far enough back to push the tubes going from the carbs back off of them and downward to remove them from the airbox and out of the way. This gave me plenty of room to pull the carbs backwards off of the engine. I used a soft piece of 1X1 pine to help me pry the carbs back after giving them a good wiggle to loosen things up.
I removed one bowl just to get an idea of how it looks inside. Some gummy buildup but not as bad as some of the stuff I've seen on here so far...
So as of now, I'm waiting for gaskets, orings and float needles for the carbs so I can pull them apart and clean them. Also waiting for Points, condensers, plugs, oil filter, new fuelcock, small fuel filter and a points cover gasket so I can give the engine a basic tune up. I'll be going out to pick up some evapo-rust and fresh gas and the hopes are to hear this bad boy run this weekend.